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CQAF 2022 Q2 Newsletter

2022-06-25 13:23:07

The Q2 meeting for CQAF members was held virtually in the afternoon of 22 June 2022. Speakers from Huashan Hospital and MNC pharma companies presented two topics of “How we interpret the test reports under the mutual recognition of test results” and “the Clinical Laboratory Audit” respectively. The two-hour meeting walked the audience through the rational, qualification requisitions, benefits & challenges from the mutual recognition of the results for qualified hospital laboratories and the impact on clinical trials; furthermore, the type and scope of clinical laboratories and how we conduct the clinical laboratory audit were shared.   

2022年的第二次季度会议在 6 月 22 日下午于线上召开,此次会议向CQAF会员开放。会议分享并讨论了包括“临床实验室稽查” 和”如何看待检验结果互认下的检验报告”的话题, 三位讲者分别来自华山医院和俩家跨国制药企业。2个小时的会议向听众们分享了从临床实验室的资质,到实验结果互认带给医院有资质的临床实验室的获益和所面临的挑战,以及对临床试验的影响;并就临床实验室涵盖的类型和特点,以及实施临床实验室稽查时相应的流程进行了详尽的介绍。


We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our speakers:



刘瑞来      复旦大学附属华山医院,检验医学科生化组组长,主管技师
樊兴芳      拜耳医药保健有限公司研发中心,临床运作团队总监

张芳          强生(杨森制药研发)公司,亚太区质量保证稽查经理



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