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CQAF 2022 Q3 Newsletter

2022-10-08 19:51:10

The Q3 meeting for CQAF members was held virtually in the afternoon of 27 Sep 2022. Speakers from Bayer and Roche pharma companies presented two topics of “Together with Patients” and “Patient Centricity Clinical Study of Rare Diseases, walked the audience through the practice of the patient group engagement across the clinical trials and the relevant opportunities and challenges, such as patient recruitment, retention, education etc.. Then the founder of Chinese Organization for Rare Disorders (CORD) brought the topic “Leverage Patient Org to Promote the Drug R&D” and shared the insights from rare disease patient perspective. The two-hour meeting was closed in a panel discussion joined by CQAF core team members.

2022年的第三次季度会议在 9 27 日下午于线上召开,此次会议向CQAF会员开放。来自拜耳和罗氏的两位讲者分享了“与患者同行 “以患者为中心的罕见病临床研究的话题,带领听众了解患者群体参与临床试验的实践以及相关的机遇和挑战,例如患者招募、保留、教育等。随后来自蔻德罕见病中心创始人黄如方先生带来了“患者组织如何推动药物研发”的话题,从罕见病患者的角度分享了自己的见解。两个小时的会议在CQAF核心团队成员的小组讨论中结束


We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our speakers and panelists:



樊兴芳          拜耳医药保健有限公司研发中心,临床运作团队总监

司文             罗氏中国(投资)有限公司,临床研究运营部团队总监

黄如方         蔻德罕见病中心,创始人、主任




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