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Registration to CQAF 2020Q4 meeting on 18 Dec 2020

2020-11-24 18:47:10 Online meeting Total: 104 persons

Insurance in drug clinical trials has been a hot topic in the industry. The GCP stipulates that The sponsor should provide the investigator/institution legal and economic insurance or guarantees related to the trial that are proportionate to the nature and degree of risk of trial.

CQAF will invite clinical trial insurance experts in the industry to walk us through "Clinical Trials Liability Insurance", meanwhile CQAF chairperson Cathy Liu will announce the new CQAF core team. We look forward to your registration!

We look forward to your registration!


CQAF 此次季度会特邀行业内资深的临床试验保险的专家, 带大家一起探讨临床试验责任险,同时现任CQAF主席刘清月会给大家介绍新一届的CQAF核心组。期待大家的注册!


Please register the class before Dec 5th, 2020. 



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