In the new "Drug Administration Law" in 2019, establishing a pharmacovigilance system is required for the first time in China. The second paragraph of its Article 12 stipulates: "The state should establish a pharmacovigilance system to monitor, identify, evaluate and control adverse drug reactions and other adverse drug-related reactions."
In order to meet the needs of our members, CQAF PV sub-committee is going to launch the 1st Pharmacovigilance On-line Class on 11Dec (13:30-15:30) . On the Class, the PV experts will bring us PV related China regulation and law and their requirements as well as the PV inspection landscape. We will also share the US/EU PV inspection finding trending on the Class. We are looking forward to your registration of the class!
为满足大家对于PV相关知识了解的要求,CQAF PV Sub-committee将于12月11日(13:30-15:30)在线上推出第一期PV小课堂。我们特邀PV专家为大家讲述“PV相关法律法规和要求,药物警戒检查概览”以及“欧美PV检查发现的年度报告趋势”。期待大家的注册!
Please register the class before Nov. 30, 2020. 请在11月30日前注册会议。
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