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Meeting Details

Inviting you to CQAF 2021 Q1 Meeting

2021-03-08 16:47:55 On-Line Total: 125 persons

CQAF 2021 年第一季度会将于3月26日(13:30-16:00)召开。考虑到可能的疫情延续,这次会议将继续采取线上拨入形式。我们将围绕国家药品审评中心1月14日发布的《抗肿瘤药临床试验影像评估程序标准技术指导原则》,邀请申办方医学、研究中心影像诊断科专家、研究者及独立影像实验室QA展开话题,旨在梳理影像评估的总体设计、实施过程和数据管理等相关技术要求或行业标准的背后逻辑以及讨论影像实验室的稽查要点。同时,我们还将根据上海药学会发布的临床数据权属共识,共同探讨临床数据的归属问题。CQAF的核心成员还会就CQAF会员问卷调查的结果进行反馈。参会会员将有机会和他们进行探讨交流。赶紧来注册吧!

 CQAF 2021 1Q Meeting will be held on 26 Mar. (13:30-16:00) . Considering the possible continuation of the epidemic, the conference will continue to be held online; starts with the topic regarding the <Technical Guidelines for Image Evaluation Procedures in Clinical Trials of Antitumor Drugs> issued by CDE on 14Jan2021, aiming to combing the logic behind the relevant technical requirements or industry standards in the overall design, implementation and data management of image evaluation and discuss the key points of the imaging laboratory audit. Sponsor representative, investigator site’s radiologist, investigator and QA of independent central imaging reading laboratory are invited to join this section. In the meanwhile, we will also discuss the ownership of clinical trials data upon <The Consensus on Ownership of Clinical Data> issued by Shanghai Pharmaceutical Association. Core members from CQAF would also bring the analysis of 2020 survey feedbacks. You will have chance to talk with the quality experts in the above areas.  Please do register the meeting soon!





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