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CQAF 2022 Q1 Newsletter

2022-03-31 21:38:11

CQAF 1st quarter meeting of 2022 was held on 28 March, a total of  260 members attended on line due to COVID-19  prevention policy. Topics discussed and shared during the meeting were “Managing Protocol Deviations” and “Effective Internal audit” .The speakers came from MNC pharma, and China local pharma as well as bio-tech company. It was a very interactive session where different stakeholders shared their experience on PD management and sponsor internal audit.

2022年的第一次季度会议在 3 月 28 日下午召开,因防疫政策的要求,共有 260 名会员参加了线上会议。会议讨论和分享了“管理方案偏离” 和“有效的申办者内部稽查”。讲者来自MNC医药企业、中国本土药企以及生物科技公司。尽管是线上会议,但是会员和讲者的互动并没有受到影响,大家从全方位多视角讨论了方案偏离的管理和申办者内部稽查的的话题。


We would like to take this opportunity  to thank our speakers:



史青梅 博士           基石药业临床开发部副总裁

王珺                       基石药业临床项目运营副总裁

吴海燕 博士           默沙东研发(中国)有限公司生物统计与科学决策部门高级总监

代囡                      基石药业数据管理高级总监

刘海涛                   瑞士卫森医药咨询有限公司 QA Lead

刘海英                   Mabspace 质量保证副总监

Kok Eng Chan      阿斯利康亚太区质量保证副总监

王莹                      阿斯利康临床运营部门质量管理负责人

吴怡萍                  阿斯利康亚太区质量保证副总监




We welcome you to join us to propose topics and/or act as a speaker to share your experience in the future quarterly meeting. Please feel free to provide your thoughts via the following link or QR code:

 Survey link

newsletter code.png



审阅︱陈华,Sally Zhang



关于如何注册和登陆会员账户,请参见 CQAF新会员注册向导 

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