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Regulatory Express Details

Regulatory Express_Oct. 2024

2024-10-22 11:49:32

1. WHO Guidance for Best Practices for Clinical Trials



The World Health Organization published a guidance for best practices for clinical trials.


This document is intended to guide WHO's Member States and any staff members of non-state actor organizations whose work is related to clinical trials in any way, including the planning, conduct, analysis, oversight, interpretation, and funding of all clinical trials to assess the effects of any health intervention for any purpose in any setting.


This document aims to complement other guidance in order to support the implementation of universal ethical and scientific standards in the context of clinical trials, with a focus on under-represented populations.


2. US FDA Draft Guidance: Integrating Randomized Controlled Trials for Drug and Biological Products Into Routine Clinical Practice

US FDA指南草案:将药物和生物制品的随机对照试验整合到常规临床实践中


The US FDA has released a new draft guidance titled: Integrating Randomized Controlled Trials for Drug and Biological Products Into Routine Clinical Practice.  Traditional randomized controlled drug trials typically capture a large amount of patient information at baseline and over the course of the trial. Health care professionals may also collect this data in routine clinical practice interactions with patients. Researchers may be able to use that data to satisfy trial data requirements, reducing the need for dedicated trial sites and duplicative data entry. This may improve convenience and accessibility for participants and allow for enrollment of more representative populations, resulting in more generalizable trial results.


As part of FDA's Real-World Evidence (RWE) Program, this draft guidance is intended to support the conduct of randomized controlled drug trials with streamlined protocols and procedures that focus on essential data collection, allowing integration of research into routine clinical practice.


As part of a broader push to modernize clinical research methods, the FDA published a new draft guidance focused on ways that certain drug product clinical trials can be integrated into "routine clinical practice." The initial draft guidance provides some high-level information on these methods, including both decentralized elements of a trial and the use of real-world data (RWD) from clinical practice.


作为更广泛推动临床研究方法现代化的一部分,FDA发布了一份新的指南草案,重点关注某些药品临床试验可以整合到“常规临床实践”中的方式。指南初稿提供了关于这些方法的一些概要信息,包括试验的去中心化元素和临床实践中真实世界数据( RWD)的使用。

3. US FDA Final Guidance on Conducting Clinical Trials With Decentralized Elements



The US FDA has released a final guidance titled: Conducting Clinical Trials With Decentralized Elements.  The agency defines DCTs as occurring at non-traditional clinical trial locations, such as a participant's home or in a local healthcare facility.  The final guidance provides clarity on what roles and responsibilities fall to what stakeholder or partner in the study process and protocol. This includes clarifications about what local health care providers (HCPs) may be best equipped to do, the way these entities can submit their data (and the investigator's responsibility to review their data), and documentation.

美国FDA发布了一份最终指南,标题为:使用去中心化(DCT)元素开展临床试验。该机构将DCT定义为发生在非传统临床试验地点,如研究参与者的家中或当地医疗机构。最终指南明确了研究过程和方案中的哪些利益相关者或合作伙伴的角色和责任。这包括阐明当地医疗保健提供者( HCP)可能最适合做什么、这些实体提交数据的方式(以及研究者审查其数据的责任)和文件。

The final guidance provides recommendations for using decentralized components in clinical trials. This includes elements like such as use of decentralized health technologies and software, roles and responsibilities for sponsors and investigators, using local healthcare providers as well as remote clinical trial visits, and trial design, conduct, and oversight.


It also outlines informed consent and institutional review board oversight, what investigational products can use a DCT, how to package and ship investigational products, and patient safety processes and procedures.


This guidance is a part of a multifaceted FDA effort to help modernize clinical trial design and conduct to improve efficiency and reduce burden on participants and on those conducting the trial.


By allowing remote participation and reducing the need to travel for face-to-face visits, DCTs may enhance convenience for study participants, facilitate research on diseases affecting populations with limited mobility, and reduce the burden on caregivers.


4. FDA Draft Guidance: Incorporating Voluntary Patient Preference Information over the Total Product Life Cycle



The US FDA has released a draft guidance titled: Incorporating Voluntary Patient Preference Information over the Total Product Life Cycle.  The FDA is issuing this draft guidance to propose revisions to the 2016 guidance to reflect the current scope of FDA's benefit-risk paradigm, which may under appropriate circumstances include PPI, and to provide additional considerations and practical recommendations based on additional experience evaluating patient preferences regarding devices.  


FDA is issuing this draft guidance to communicate when and what methods could be used to collect and submit patient preference information (PPI) across the total product life cycle.


This will include helping explain when PPI may be helpful, and in what context. Without this re-issuance, sponsors and other patient preference study developers will not be aware of updated methodologies and considerations, which could result in costly studies that may not be appropriate to inform benefit-risk decision making.


This update, when finalized, will provide more clarity in when and in what contexts different methods are best applied.


5. FDA Releases Final Guidance on Optimizing the Dosage of Human Prescription Drugs and Biological Products for the Treatment of Oncologic Diseases



The US FDA has released a final guidance titled: Optimizing the Dosage of Human Prescription Drugs and Biological Products for the Treatment of Oncologic Diseases.  This guidance finalizes the Draft Guidance for Industry: Optimizing the Dosage of Human Prescription Drugs and Biological Products for the Treatment of Oncologic Diseases, Jan-2023.


The guidance aims to move away from the traditional maximum tolerated dose (MTD) paradigm, which was developed for cytotoxic chemotherapies, to a more nuanced approach suitable for modern oncology drugs like kinase inhibitors and antibodies.


These drugs often have different dose-response relationships and may achieve similar efficacy at doses below the MTD with fewer toxicities.


6. US FDA Draft Guidance: ICH M14 General Principles on Plan, Design, and Analysis of Pharmacoepidemiological Studies That Utilize RWD for Safety Assessment of Medicines

US FDA指南草案:ICH M14关于使用RWD进行药物安全性评估的药物流行病学研究的计划、设计和分析的一般原则


The US FDA has released a draft guidance titled: M14 General Principles on Plan, Design, and Analysis of Pharmacoepidemiological Studies That Utilize Real-World Data for Safety Assessment of Medicines.  


This guideline provides harmonized recommendations for post-authorization observational pharmacoepidemiological studies based on existing national guidelines.


It outlines general considerations and recommendations for use of RWD for drug, vaccine and other biologic product safety assessments, including defining the research question, data source selection/generation, study design, definitions of target populations, exposure and outcome(s), covariates, data source fit-for-purpose evaluation, sources of and methods to address confounding and bias, analytic approaches, and format and content of reporting.


7. US FDA Final Guidance: Real-World Data: Assessing Electronic Health Records and Medical Claims Data To Support Regulatory Decision-Making for Drug and Biological Products



The US FDA has issued a final guidance titled: Real-World Data: Assessing Electronic Health Records and Medical Claims Data To Support Regulatory Decision-Making for Drug and Biological Products.


This guidance discusses the following topics related to the potential use of EHR and medical claims data in clinical studies to support regulatory decisions:

  1. Selection of data sources that appropriately address the study question and sufficiently characterize study populations, exposure(s), outcome(s) of interest, and key covariates.

  2. Development and validation of definitions for study design elements (e.g., exposures, outcomes, covariates).

  3. Data traceability and quality during data accrual, data curation, and incorporation into the final study-specific dataset.


  1. 选择适当解决研究问题并充分描述研究人群、暴露量、关注结局和关键协变量特征的数据来源。

  2. 研究设计要素(例如,暴露量、结局、协变量)定义的制定和验证。

  3. 在数据收集、数据整理以及纳入最终研究特定数据集期间的数据可追溯性和质量。

FDA finalized its initial guidance on expectations for drug product sponsors seeking to use real-world data (RWD) from claims, administrative billing, and electronic health record data – together termed "electronic health data" – for regulatory use.


The guidance provides a robust framework for the use of RWD from EHRs and medical claims data in regulatory decision-making and is a stepping-stone towards the ongoing efforts to leverage RWE to bring innovations to patients more efficiently.


8. EMA Adopts ICH E11A Guideline on Pediatric Extrapolation

EMA采纳ICH E11A儿科外推指南


The EMA has adopted the ICH E11A guideline on pediatric extrapolation.  

EMA采纳了ICH E11A儿科外推指南。

The guideline provides recommendations and promotes international harmonization of pediatric extrapolation to support the development and authorization of pediatric medicines. The E11A guideline provides a framework for using extrapolation to support pediatric drug development. The framework describes an iterative process for understanding the existing information available, the gaps in information needed to inform development, and ways to generate additional information when required and recommends approaches to assessing factors that influence the determination of similarity of disease, drug pharmacology and response to treatment between a reference and pediatric target population.


The purpose of this guideline is to provide recommendations for, and promote international harmonization of, the use of pediatric extrapolation to support the development and authorization of pediatric medicines.


Harmonization of the approaches to pediatric extrapolation should reduce the likelihood of substantial differences between regions.


Harmonization should also reduce the exposure of pediatric populations to unnecessary clinical trials and facilitate more timely access to pediatric medicines globally. 


9. EMA Adopts ICH M13A Guideline on Bioequivalence (BE) for Immediate-release (IR) Solid Oral Dosage Forms

EMA采纳ICH M13A速释(IR)固体口服制剂的生物等效性(BE)指导原则


The EMA has adopted the ICH M13A Guideline on bioequivalence (BE) for immediate-release (IR) solid oral dosage forms, as well as the associated Q&A document.  The effective date for this document is 25Jan2025.  The M13A Guideline represents the first ICH guideline ever created explicitly in support of developing and approving generic drugs.  It is intended to reduce the need for multiple different sets of data and information from duplicative BE studies to support marketing authorization in more than one jurisdiction.  ICH hopes this will result in the harmonization of current regional guidelines/guidances, reduce the need for additional in vivo BE studies, and support streamlined global drug development.

EMA采纳了ICH M13A速释(IR)固体口服剂型生物等效性(BE)指导原则以及相关的问答文件。本文件的生效日期为2025年1月25日。M13A指导原则代表了有史以来首次为支持仿制药开发和批准而制定的ICH指导原则。其目的是减少来自重复BE研究的多种不同数据和信息集的需求,以支持多个辖区的上市许可。ICH希望这将导致当前区域指导原则/指南的协调,减少额外体内BE研究的需要,并支持简化的全球药物开发。

This guideline is intended to provide recommendations on conducting bioequivalence (BE) studies during both the development and post-approval phases for orally administered immediate-release (IR) solid dosage forms designed to deliver drugs to the systemic circulation, such as tablets, capsules, and granules/powders for oral suspension.


In response to questions posted to ICH M13A comment period, several Questions and Answers have been developed to provide clarity around some of the concepts related to bioequivalence study design and data analysis covered in the Guideline.

针对ICH M13A评论期提出的问题,制定了几个问答,以阐明指导原则中涵盖的与生物等效性研究设计和数据分析相关的一些概念。

This document is intended to provide additional clarification and improve the harmonization of bioequivalence study design and data analysis.


10. ICH Reflection Paper on Pursuing Opportunities for Harmonization in Using Real-World Data to Generate Real-world Evidence, with a Focus on Effectiveness of Medicines



ICH has released a reflection paper on pursuing opportunities for harmonization in using real-world data to generate real-world evidence, with a focus on effectiveness of medicines.


The objectives of this Reflection Paper are:

  • To engage ICH on convergence of terminology for RWD and RWE, on the format for protocols and reports of study results submitted to regulatory agencies throughout the lifecycle of medicinal products, and on promoting registration of protocols and reports;

  • To inform the assessment of RWD and RWE for regulatory purposes.


  • ICH就RWD和RWE术语的一致性、药品整个生命周期内提交给监管机构的研究结果的方案和报告格式,以及促进方案和报告的注册等问题的合作;

  • 为监管目的,提供RWD和RWE的评估信息。

This Reflection Paper represents the initial step of an incremental approach towards harmonization of regulatory RWE guidance.


The aim of this paper is expected to be higher quality of RWE that can substantively contribute to the body of evidence supporting the benefit and risk of medicines whilst maintaining evidentiary standards in regulatory decision-making.


11. ICH Final Concept Paper E22 EWG: General Considerations for Patient Preference Studies

ICH最终概念文件E22 EWG:患者偏好研究的一般考虑


ICH has released a Final Concept Paper E22 EWG: General Considerations for Patient Preference Studies Dated 27 May 2024.  A new ICH efficacy guideline is proposed about general considerations for patient preference studies (PPS) to inform drug development and related decisions for medical products. The guideline aims to optimize the use of patient preference information as input to pharmaceutical product development using a globally harmonised framework and allow regulatory authorities and the pharmaceutical industry to benefit from harmonised approaches for PPS throughout drug development including, where applicable, submission to different regulatory agencies.

ICH发布了最终概念文件E22 EWG:2024年5月27日的患者偏好研究的一般考虑。  针对患者偏好研究(PPS)的一般考虑,拟定了一个新的ICH疗效指南,以指导药品开发和相关决策。本指导原则旨在使用全球协调框架优化将患者偏好信息作为药品开发的输入信息,并允许监管机构和制药行业在整个药物开发过程中从PPS协调方法中获益,包括向不同监管机构的申报(如适用)。

The new guidance will help identify situations where PPS can have greater impact, recommending suitable approaches depending on the study objectives.


The activation of this ICH project is likely to create momentum and benefit to the field already during drafting and after publication of the Step 2a/b document (foreseen after 18 months from initiation of EWG activities). 
