来自沈一峰 ...
时光如梭,CQAF已经迎来了第十个年头,在这过去的十年,我们一起,励精图“质”,不忘初心,为了在医药行业推行GxP质量标准,这一共同使命,持续努力!在这过去的十年,我们一起,在季度会、在微信群、在培训项目,互动、讨论、合作,为了共同的理想,怀着满腔的热忱......此刻,您或许会有一些感想,或许回忆起之前在CQAF的感动时刻、难忘瞬间, 或许还想..落笔写下... 对CQAF未来的期许和祝福.. ...
In Q2 of 2020, we’d like to share some updates/suggestions on Decentralized Clinical Trials, Inspection Hosting, Electronic Systems and Vendor Contracts, and PSP. For a better understanding, recommend to read full articles via website at the end. ...
Our second CQAF Quarterly Meeting for Y2020 still went virtually to maintain social distance and reduce/prevent the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). 为保持社交距离并尽量减小/避免COVID-19的传播,CQAF的二季度会仍然采用虚拟会议的模式召开。 ...
Our first CQAF Quarterly Meeting for Y2020 is indeed a unique event to remember as for the first time we break our tradition of meeting face to face in Beijing and Shanghai; and go with an all-virtual meeting to maintain social distancing and do our part to reduce/prevent the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in the community. ...
Focusing COVID-19, a summary of guides issued by MHRA, EMA and FDA. ...