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  • The CQAF 2023 annual meeting, the first onsite meeting after the pandemic, was held in the Shanghai office of MSD on 20 Jun. Around 80 CQAF members from global and local pharmaceutical companies and CROs joined this conference. The GCP and GLP experts and speakers walked the audiences through the three hot topics of “The revisions and changes of E6R3”,“Key points of inspection and common issues – inspection readiness of lab and the solutions to the common issues”and “The QA’s insight and consideration to the clinical trial common issues based on the key points of inspection”, based on the real cases and the pre-defined questionnaire results. ...
    2023-07-09 23:22:28
  • 在明媚的阳光中,迎来2023年第二期Regulatory Express, 想和您分享以下话题,欢迎点击正文链接,查看详情。 ...
    2023-03-29 14:09:45
  • 在明媚的阳光中,迎来2023年第一期Regulatory Express, 想和您分享以下话题,欢迎点击正文链接,查看详情。 ...
    2023-02-01 09:25:21
  • 临床研究协调员(CRC)是研究者团队的重要一员,实践中,由第三方组织(SMO)委派CRC到临床试验机构支持主要研究者(PI)承接的临床试验已成为大多数试验的标配。 ...
    2023-01-18 20:35:48
  • 汇聚会员的聊天记录,方便高频问题识别,基于标签的轻松查找 ...
    2022-12-22 19:12:59
  • 持有人制定药物警戒质量目标和质量控制指标是药物警戒质量管理规范的基本要求a。质量目标是将质量政策和战略转化为可衡量活动的一种手段c,通常持有人就药物警戒的质量管理总体要求、以及可改进或有潜在风险的领域设定某一时期的质量目标。质量控制指标是衡量组织质量管理体系和流程绩效的一种方式b,通常持有人定义影响药物警戒合规关键活动的可衡量因子,相应的评估等级和阈值标准,并持续监督。 ...
    2022-12-15 21:17:07